Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Survey

CSAT survey template: Discover how to create and implement effective CSAT surveys to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

CSAT survey template

Dear Valued Customer,

We appreciate your business and would love to hear your feedback. Please take a few moments to answer the following questions. Your responses will help us improve our products and services.

Thank you for your time!

1. Overall Satisfaction

Q1: How satisfied are you with your overall experience with our company?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

2. Product/Service Quality

Q2: How satisfied are you with the quality of the product/service you received?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

3. Customer Service

Q3: How satisfied are you with the customer service you received?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

4. Delivery/Shipping Experience

Q4: How satisfied are you with the delivery/shipping process?

  • Very Satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Very Dissatisfied

5. Value for Money

Q5: How would you rate the value for money of the product/service?

  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  • Very Poor

6. Likelihood to Recommend

Q6: How likely are you to recommend our company to others?

  • Extremely Likely
  • Likely
  • Neutral
  • Unlikely
  • Extremely Unlikely

7. Additional Feedback

Q7: Please provide any additional comments or suggestions you may have.

[Text Box]

8. Contact Information (Optional)

If you would like us to follow up on your feedback, please provide your contact information below:

Phone Number:

Thank you for your feedback!

Your input is invaluable in helping us improve our services.

CSAT Survey Template

On this page

Using a CSAT survey is one of the most effective ways to gauge customer satisfaction and improve customer service operations.

For any business, understanding how satisfied customers are is essential for both short-term and long-term success. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys provide actionable insights that help management make informed decisions, improve service quality, and keep customers coming back.

But how do you know which questions to ask, and how to interpret the answers? This is where a well-structured CSAT survey template comes into play.

In today’s highly competitive market, exceptional customer service is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity. According to a study by Microsoft, 96% of consumers say customer service is important in their choice of loyalty to a brand.

This is particularly significant service businesses, where the customer’s experience can make or break the business. Bad customer service can lead to poor reviews, lost customers, and a tarnished reputation, while good service can drive customer loyalty and growth.

Moreover, a CSAT survey provides quantifiable data, enabling businesses to measure performance over time. The Harvard Business Review has emphasized that customer satisfaction is one of the best indicators of future business success.
But collecting feedback isn’t enough; interpreting and acting on it is what truly makes the difference.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of creating an effective CSAT survey using this template, covering everything from crafting the right questions to analyzing the data for actionable insights.

Why CSAT Surveys are Crucial

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys are crucial for several reasons, each contributing to the overall health and success of a business. Here’s why they are essential:

Measure Customer Satisfaction

CSAT surveys provide direct insight into how satisfied customers are with your products, services, and overall experience. By quantifying satisfaction levels, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of their offerings and customer service.

Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

CSAT surveys help identify areas where the business excels and where improvements are needed. Positive feedback highlights strengths that can be leveraged, while negative feedback pinpoints specific issues that need attention.

Enhance Customer Retention

Satisfied customers are more likely to remain loyal to a brand. CSAT surveys allow businesses to monitor customer satisfaction levels, addressing concerns before they lead to churn. By acting on survey feedback, companies can improve customer retention rates.

Drive Business Improvements

Feedback from CSAT surveys provides actionable data that can drive continuous improvement in products, services, and customer interactions. This data-driven approach helps businesses make informed decisions that align with customer expectations.

Increase Customer Loyalty and Advocacy

High CSAT scores are often correlated with strong customer loyalty. Satisfied customers are not only more likely to return but also to recommend the business to others, serving as advocates and generating positive word-of-mouth.

Benchmark Performance Over Time

Regularly conducting CSAT surveys allows businesses to track satisfaction trends over time. This benchmarking helps in assessing the impact of changes, initiatives, or improvements made within the company.

Improve Competitive Edge

Understanding customer satisfaction levels helps businesses stay competitive. By identifying what customers like or dislike, companies can differentiate themselves from competitors by addressing customer needs more effectively.

Foster Customer-Centric Culture

CSAT surveys reinforce a customer-centric culture within the organization. When employees see that customer satisfaction is a priority, it fosters a mindset focused on delivering high-quality service and value to customers.

Support Strategic Decision-Making

The data collected from CSAT surveys can influence strategic decisions. Whether launching new products, refining existing ones, or adjusting service strategies, customer feedback ensures that these decisions are aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Mitigate Negative Experiences

CSAT surveys give businesses the opportunity to address negative experiences before they escalate. By quickly responding to dissatisfied customers, companies can mitigate damage, improve customer satisfaction, and turn a negative experience into a positive one.

Crafting the Perfect CSAT Survey

Crafting the perfect Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey involves a combination of clear objectives, concise questions, and thoughtful design. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an effective CSAT survey:

Define Your Objectives

Before creating your survey, clearly define what you want to achieve. Are you looking to measure overall satisfaction, satisfaction with a specific product or service, or a particular interaction? Understanding your goals will guide the structure and content of the survey.

Keep It Short and Focused

CSAT surveys should be concise and focused on the key areas you want feedback on. A short survey is more likely to be completed by customers, so aim for no more than 5-7 questions. Each question should have a clear purpose and be easy to understand.

Use Simple and Direct Language

Avoid jargon and complex language. The questions should be straightforward, ensuring that customers of all backgrounds can easily understand and respond.

Incorporate a Clear CSAT Question

The core of your CSAT survey should be the satisfaction question, typically phrased as:

  • “How satisfied are you with your recent experience with [Company/Product/Service]?”
  • Use a simple rating scale, such as:
    • Very Satisfied
    • Satisfied
    • Neutral
    • Dissatisfied
    • Very Dissatisfied

Include Follow-Up Questions for Context

While the CSAT score gives you a numerical value, follow-up questions can provide context:

  • Open-ended Questions: Ask for additional comments to understand the reasons behind the rating. For example, “Please tell us why you gave this rating.”
  • Specific Area Ratings: If relevant, ask for satisfaction ratings on specific aspects, such as product quality, customer service, or delivery.

Consider the Timing

Timing is crucial for CSAT surveys. Send the survey shortly after the customer interaction, purchase, or service experience when the experience is still fresh in their mind. This increases the likelihood of receiving accurate and relevant feedback.

Use a Consistent Rating Scale

Ensure consistency in your rating scales across all questions. Whether you use a 1-5 scale, stars, or emoticons, consistency helps in analyzing the results and makes the survey easier for customers to complete.

Provide an Option for Anonymous Feedback

Some customers may prefer to provide feedback anonymously. Allowing this option can increase the likelihood of honest responses, especially when the feedback might be critical.

Include Demographic or Segment Data (Optional)

If relevant, consider asking for demographic information or segment data, such as customer type or location. This can help in analyzing trends across different customer groups, but keep these questions optional to avoid discouraging completion.

Test the Survey Before Sending

Before rolling out the survey to all customers, test it with a small group to ensure the questions are clear and that the survey functions correctly on all devices. This can help you identify any issues that could impact the response rate or quality.

Make the Survey Visually Appealing

A well-designed survey is more inviting to complete. Use a clean, uncluttered layout with your company’s branding. Ensure that the survey is mobile-friendly, as many customers may respond on their smartphones.

Offer an Incentive (If Appropriate)

Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount code or entry into a prize draw, to encourage participation. However, be careful not to influence the feedback by making the incentive contingent on a positive response.

Thank Respondents

Always include a thank-you message at the end of the survey. Express appreciation for their time and feedback, which helps in building a positive relationship with your customers.

Analyze and Act on the Results

Once you’ve collected the responses, analyze the data carefully to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Acting on the feedback is critical—customers will appreciate knowing that their input is valued and leads to tangible changes.

Best Practices for Implementing Your CSAT Survey Template

Implementing a Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey effectively requires careful planning and attention to detail. Here are some best practices to ensure you get the most out of your CSAT survey:

Define Clear Objectives

Before launching your CSAT survey, determine what you want to achieve. Are you assessing overall customer satisfaction, product-specific satisfaction, or satisfaction with a particular service interaction? Clearly defined goals will guide the design and focus of your survey.

Choose the Right Moment

Timing is crucial for obtaining accurate feedback. Send the survey shortly after the customer interaction, purchase, or service experience. This ensures that the experience is still fresh in the customer’s mind, leading to more relevant and accurate feedback.

Keep the Survey Short and Simple

Customers are more likely to complete a survey that is short and straightforward. Aim for a survey that takes no more than 2-3 minutes to complete. Focus on the most critical questions, such as the overall satisfaction rating, followed by a few specific follow-up questions.

Use a Consistent Rating Scale

A consistent and simple rating scale, such as 1-5 or a set of emoticons, makes it easier for customers to respond and for you to analyze the results. Avoid mixing different types of scales within the same survey.

Segment Your Audience

If possible, segment your audience to tailor the survey to different customer groups. For example, you might send different surveys to new customers, returning customers, or customers who made a high-value purchase. This can help you gather more targeted insights.

Personalize the Survey

Personalize the survey by addressing the customer by name and referencing the specific product or service they interacted with. This makes the survey feel more relevant and shows the customer that you value their individual feedback.

Use Open-Ended Questions Wisely

While it’s important to keep the survey short, including at least one open-ended question allows customers to provide more detailed feedback. For example, “Please tell us why you gave this rating” can give you deeper insights into customer satisfaction.

Ensure Mobile Compatibility

Many customers will complete your survey on their mobile devices. Ensure that your survey is mobile-friendly with a responsive design that works well on smartphones and tablets.

Provide an Incentive (Optional)

Consider offering a small incentive, such as a discount code or entry into a prize draw, to encourage participation. Ensure that the incentive is offered for completing the survey, not for providing positive feedback, to maintain the integrity of the responses.

Follow Up on Feedback

Acting on the feedback you receive is crucial. When customers see that their input leads to tangible changes, they feel valued, which can increase loyalty. If possible, follow up with customers to let them know how their feedback was used.

Make the Survey Anonymous (If Appropriate)

Offering anonymity can encourage more honest feedback, especially for critical or negative comments. However, make it optional for customers who may want to provide their contact information for follow-up.

Test the Survey Before Full Deployment

Before sending the survey to your entire customer base, test it with a small group to ensure clarity, functionality, and that the survey captures the information you need. Testing helps you identify and fix any potential issues that could affect response rates or data quality.

Analyze and Act on the Data

Regularly analyze the survey data to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. Use the insights to make informed decisions that enhance customer satisfaction. Sharing these insights with relevant teams in your organization is also important for coordinated action.

Communicate Changes Based on Feedback

If you make changes based on customer feedback, let your customers know. This communication shows that you value their input and are committed to improving their experience.

Repeat the Survey Regularly

Customer satisfaction is dynamic and can change over time. Implement your CSAT surveys at regular intervals, such as quarterly or after key interactions, to continuously monitor and improve satisfaction levels.

Analyzing CSAT Survey Data for Actionable Insights

Analyzing Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) survey data effectively is crucial for deriving actionable insights that can improve your business. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to analyze CSAT survey data:

Calculate the Overall CSAT Score

The CSAT score is typically calculated as a percentage based on responses to a key question, such as “How satisfied are you with your overall experience?” Here’s how to calculate it:

  • Formula: (Number of “Satisfied” or “Very Satisfied” responses / Total number of responses) * 100
  • Interpretation: A higher CSAT score indicates greater customer satisfaction.

Segment the Data

Segment your CSAT data to uncover patterns among different customer groups. Consider segmenting by:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location
  • Customer Type: New vs. returning customers, high-value vs. low-value customers
  • Product or Service Type: Different product lines or services
  • Time Period: Monthly, quarterly, or seasonal segments

Segmentation helps you identify specific areas where satisfaction is high or low, enabling more targeted actions.

Analyze Trends Over Time

Compare CSAT scores across different time periods to identify trends. Use line charts or bar graphs to visualize:

  • Overall CSAT Trends: Track how the overall satisfaction score changes over time.
  • Segmented Trends: Analyze trends within specific customer segments, products, or services.

Identifying upward or downward trends can help you understand the impact of changes in your business processes or external factors.

Examine Distribution of Responses

Look at the distribution of responses (e.g., Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Neutral, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied). Analyze:

  • Response Concentration: Are most customers rating their experience as “Satisfied,” or is there a significant number of “Dissatisfied” responses?
  • Response Extremes: Pay attention to extremes (Very Satisfied and Very Dissatisfied) to understand what drives the strongest emotions.

This analysis helps you identify the areas where customers are most happy or frustrated.

Identify Key Drivers of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

Use correlation analysis or cross-tabulation to identify factors that most strongly influence overall satisfaction. For example:

  • Correlation Analysis: Determine if there’s a strong relationship between satisfaction with customer service and overall satisfaction.
  • Cross-Tabulation: Cross-tabulate satisfaction ratings with other variables like product type or service interaction to identify key drivers.

Understanding these drivers helps prioritize actions that will have the most significant impact on improving satisfaction.

Analyze Open-Ended Feedback

Review the qualitative data from open-ended questions. Use text analysis tools or manual coding to categorize feedback into themes such as:

  • Positive Feedback: Highlight what customers like the most.
  • Negative Feedback: Identify common complaints or issues.
  • Suggestions: Note customer suggestions for improvement.

Categorizing and quantifying this feedback provides deeper insights into specific areas of strength and weakness.

Compare with Benchmarks

Compare your CSAT scores with industry benchmarks or your previous periods. This comparison helps you understand:

  • Relative Performance: How your business is performing compared to competitors or industry standards.
  • Improvement Over Time: Whether your satisfaction levels are improving or declining over time.

Prioritize Areas for Improvement

Based on the analysis, prioritize areas that need attention. Consider:

  • Impact vs. Effort: Focus on changes that will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction with reasonable effort.
  • Quick Wins vs. Long-Term Projects: Identify quick wins for immediate improvement and plan for longer-term initiatives that require more resources.

Create Action Plans

Develop action plans based on your findings. Include:

  • Specific Actions: Clearly defined steps to address issues or enhance strengths.
  • Responsible Teams: Assign teams or individuals responsible for implementing actions.
  • Timelines: Set deadlines for each action to ensure timely execution.
  • Metrics for Success: Define how you will measure the success of each action, such as an improvement in CSAT scores or reduction in complaints.

Monitor and Adjust

After implementing changes, continue to monitor CSAT scores to assess the effectiveness of your actions. Be prepared to adjust strategies based on new data or evolving customer expectations.

Tools and Resources for Effective CSAT Surveys

Conducting and analyzing effective Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) surveys requires the right tools and resources. Here are some of the best tools and resources for both the survey process and data analysis:

Survey Creation and Distribution Tools

  1. SurveyMonkey
    • Features: Pre-built CSAT templates, customizable survey designs, multiple question types, and robust analytics.
    • Why It’s Good: Easy to use, with a wide range of customization options and integration capabilities.
  2. Google Forms
    • Features: Simple, free survey creation tool, with basic analytics and easy sharing options.
    • Why It’s Good: Ideal for smaller businesses or quick surveys, with seamless integration into Google Workspace.
  3. Typeform
    • Features: Interactive and conversational survey design, customizable templates, and advanced logic jumps.
    • Why It’s Good: Provides an engaging user experience that can lead to higher response rates.
  4. Qualtrics
    • Features: Advanced survey creation, distribution, and analysis, with powerful segmentation and reporting tools.
    • Why It’s Good: Comprehensive solution for enterprises looking for in-depth customer insights.
  5. Zoho Survey
    • Features: Customizable survey templates, integration with CRM and other tools, real-time reporting.
    • Why It’s Good: Great for businesses already using Zoho products, offering seamless integration and a full suite of features.
  6. SurveySparrow
    • Features: Conversational surveys, mobile-first design, recurring surveys, and detailed reporting.
    • Why It’s Good: Focuses on improving engagement with a more conversational approach, leading to higher response rates.

Data Analysis and Visualization Tools

  1. Microsoft Excel
    • Features: Data cleaning, pivot tables, chart creation, and basic statistical analysis.
    • Why It’s Good: Widely accessible and powerful for manual data analysis and visualization.
  2. Google Sheets
    • Features: Real-time collaboration, charting tools, pivot tables, and integration with Google Data Studio for advanced visualization.
    • Why It’s Good: Ideal for teams that need to collaborate on data analysis in real-time.
  3. Tableau
    • Features: Advanced data visualization, drag-and-drop interface, and integration with various data sources.
    • Why It’s Good: Great for creating interactive dashboards and visualizing large data sets.
  4. Power BI
    • Features: Data modeling, advanced analytics, interactive dashboards, and integration with Microsoft products.
    • Why It’s Good: Best suited for organizations using Microsoft products and looking for robust data analysis and reporting capabilities.
  5. SPSS
    • Features: Advanced statistical analysis, data management, and detailed reporting.
    • Why It’s Good: Ideal for in-depth statistical analysis, particularly for larger datasets.
  6. Google Data Studio
    • Features: Free, customizable dashboards, integration with Google Analytics and Sheets, real-time data updates.
    • Why It’s Good: Excellent for creating visually appealing reports and dashboards that integrate with Google products.

Customer Feedback Management Platforms

  1. Medallia
    • Features: Comprehensive customer experience management, real-time feedback collection, AI-driven insights.
    • Why It’s Good: Ideal for enterprises looking for a holistic view of customer feedback across multiple touchpoints.
  2. Zendesk
    • Features: Integrated customer feedback tools, including CSAT surveys, ticketing system, and detailed analytics.
    • Why It’s Good: Perfect for businesses already using Zendesk for customer support, offering seamless feedback collection and analysis.
  3. HubSpot Service Hub
    • Features: Customer feedback collection, ticketing system, customer service analytics, and integration with HubSpot CRM.
    • Why It’s Good: Great for businesses using HubSpot, with powerful automation and integration features.
  4. AskNicely
    • Features: CSAT, NPS, and customer feedback collection, integration with CRM tools, real-time alerts.
    • Why It’s Good: Focused on driving continuous improvement through real-time customer feedback.

Text and Sentiment Analysis Tools

  1. MonkeyLearn
    • Features: Text analysis, sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and custom machine learning models.
    • Why It’s Good: Easy-to-use platform for extracting insights from open-ended survey responses.
  2. Lexalytics
    • Features: Sentiment analysis, text mining, theme extraction, and NLP capabilities.
    • Why It’s Good: Ideal for businesses dealing with large volumes of unstructured data and needing deep sentiment analysis.
  3. IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding
    • Features: Sentiment analysis, entity recognition, emotion detection, and keyword extraction.
    • Why It’s Good: Powerful AI-driven tool for analyzing customer feedback at scale.

Resources for Best Practices and Learning

  1. HubSpot Academy
    • Content: Free courses on customer satisfaction, survey creation, data analysis, and customer experience management.
    • Why It’s Good: Comprehensive learning resources for beginners and advanced users alike.
  2. Qualtrics XM Institute
    • Content: Best practices, research, and case studies on customer experience, satisfaction, and survey design.
    • Why It’s Good: Provides in-depth insights and practical advice from industry experts.
  3. Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA)
    • Content: Industry trends, webinars, best practices, and certification programs in customer experience management.
    • Why It’s Good: Offers a wealth of knowledge for professionals looking to deepen their expertise in customer satisfaction and experience.
  4. Books and Publications
    • “The Effortless Experience” by Matthew Dixon, Nick Toman, and Rick DeLisi: Explores the importance of reducing customer effort to improve satisfaction.
    • “Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty” by Bob E. Hayes: A practical guide to using surveys for customer satisfaction measurement.


1. What is a CSAT survey template?

A CSAT survey template is a pre-designed framework used to measure customer satisfaction. It includes standardized questions designed to gauge how satisfied customers are with a particular service or product.

2. How do I create a CSAT survey template?

Crafting a CSAT survey template involves understanding what you want to measure, designing clear and straightforward questions, and choosing the right tools for data collection and analysis.

3. Why are CSAT surveys important for call centers?

CSAT surveys help call centers measure customer satisfaction, identify service gaps, and make informed decisions to improve customer experience.

4. What are some best practices for CSAT surveys?

Best practices include keeping surveys short and simple, ensuring anonymity, choosing the right timing, and continuously reviewing and refining the survey based on feedback.

5. How do I analyze CSAT survey data?

Analyzing CSAT survey data involves using statistical tools to identify trends and patterns, correlating results with other performance metrics, and taking actionable steps based on insights.

6. What are some good tools for CSAT surveys?

Some good tools for CSAT surveys include SurveyMonkey, Google Forms, Qualtrics, and Zendesk.

7. Can CSAT surveys improve customer retention?

Yes, by identifying areas of improvement and enhancing customer satisfaction, CSAT surveys can significantly improve customer retention.

8. How frequently should we conduct CSAT surveys?

The frequency of CSAT surveys depends on the nature of your business. Monthly or quarterly surveys are common practices in call centers.

9. What should I do if I get negative feedback in a CSAT survey?

Address negative feedback constructively by understanding the underlying issues, communicating with unhappy customers, and implementing changes to improve your service.

10. How do I ensure high response rates for my CSAT surveys?

To ensure high response rates, make the survey easily accessible, keep it short, offer incentives, and clearly communicate the importance of customer feedback.


Using a CSAT survey is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to improve their customer service. These surveys provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction levels, helping you identify and address issues swiftly.

By crafting well-structured surveys, implementing best practices, and leveraging the right tools, you can turn customer feedback into actionable strategies that improve service quality and operational efficiency.

With the right approach, CSAT surveys can be an invaluable asset in your efforts to deliver exceptional customer service.

Remember, the goal is not just to collect data but to use it effectively to make meaningful improvements in your business operations.

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